Monday, June 6, 2011

Some Projects

I've been working on a couple of short comics for various anthologies. This is a page from one of those comics, where I'm trying to push myself stylistically. I can't tell if I pushed too hard, but it's fun to work outside my comfort zone a little.

Of course, Matt and I are also working on Expansion #3, (the final installment) which will be 57 pages! More than twice the length of #2.


  1. Hey I like this a lot.
    keep pushing.

  2. do you think you're going to put all the expansion books together in the end?

  3. Erik: Thanks! Also, I think we're all going to eat some vegan ice cream soon.

    Sam: If someone wants to publish Expansion as a book, we'll do it. If we were to do it as a book, the first part would be completely redrawn and rewritten!

  4. yea, Malachi, this is cool. Since I'm in school and stuff, I'm more inclined than I probably should be to demand all of your future comics emerge from this very fresh and awesome use of yer materials.
