Monday, April 19, 2010

Portland Bound!

April 24th and 25th I'll be at the Stumptown Comics Fest, sharing a table with my two cartoonist buddies, Jed McGowan and Matt Sheean. I'll also be debuting The Beasts of Kay-7, my new full color comic, and I'll have some artwork hanging at Pony Club Gallery with a reception Sunday night. If you're around, you should come!


  1. Damn, I really wanted to go to Stumptown this year...alas, I will be in Portand a few weeks too late. Hope it is a fun and profitable show!!! Good luck!!!
    (Also, I assume Beasts will be for sale on this here blog soon, right?)

  2. Yeah, It'll be up after Stumptown. It will also be available to read online soon too.
