Saturday, March 28, 2009



  1. Okay--I had to laugh. I posted an "old person" drawing right above your drawing. This is really fun. Great technique.

  2. This is great! Tell us about your drawing process, I sure would like to know!

  3. She looks like one tough customer.

  4. Thanks, everyone.

    Catalina, I've been thinking about posting some process related images, because I always like to see how other people make their drawings. Soon...

  5. Love this.

    Not sure I would trifle with her. Haha!

  6. Great stuff.
    Wouldn't be surprised if her name was Prunella . . .
    Would love to see some of your process related images.


  7. Cool style, great illustration for the topic!

  8. Very nice technique! She really has great expression!

  9. very different and interesting character. I love the work you looks like you fully freak out with it!

  10. I like your stuff. Thanks for the comment on my poise entry, I use photoshop for almost all my colors. Also, how does one get to see Heroes of Science?

  11. Grande Dame who ate a prune when she was 20?

    Nice character portrait.

  12. 13 is not lucky. I'll make it fourteen.

    I really really like the little table next to her, even though it takes up very little of the illustration, and her necklaces and her hands are perfect.

    Sergio Leone an' talk n'draw! 2009! In Pasadena!

  13. Cool and interesting style you have here.:)

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